Thursday, November 24, 2011

07 civic si anti lock braking system?

i got a few questions..

1. i got a 07 civic si sedan and it sucks in snow... the abs always kick in if i step on the brakes even tho im not speeding... i took my gf's 2004 hyundai accent no problem at all... does it have problems with the car or i just need snow tires?

2. im considering buying steel wheels from a 07 civic ex with snow tires.. would it fit the 07 civic si sedan? the bolt pattern is the same but i dunno bout the offset, width and stuff like that..

3. lastly.. recently it stoped snowing and roads are clear. i was driving at 40mph and getting ready to stop for the light suddenly i hit a bump and the abs kicked in and the brake pedals went deeper and feels like im fred flinstones stoping the car... it felt rough so i pump my brakes and it sounded like was scary i thought i was gonna hit something coz it felt like its stopping gradually.. so...

... i went to the dealer and they told me i just need a new set of brake pads but i doubt it so i took off.. its a year old car?

----- any sugestion or anything?|||your driving techniques could very well have worn out or damaged the brake pads. ABS was not meant to be driven the way you describe. Pumping the brakes will cause excess wear, prolonged stopping distance and poor response during breaking over all. Driving ABS is light years different that standard NON-ABS systems.

The tires and rims off the other car would physically fit the vehicle, but I am thinking the SI model has different tires and stance because it is supposed to be faster and better handling. If you are trading out for standard rims and tires from a lesser model you may experience a serious downgrade in handling, ride and performance. not recommended|||Check out this recall it may help you......


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