My 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix does not have ABS! Is that a big deal? Btw, I live in PA so there is a descent amount of snow here every year.|||The only time ABS brakes come into play is in an emergency stop situation, so it shouldn't be a big deal. If you've learned to drive with ABS, just keep in mind that if you have to make a panic stop on slick roads you'll have to do it the way us old-timers learned, by pumping the brake pedal manually. If you lock your brakes with non ABS you will not be able to steer. Applying and releasing your brakes in small increments will give you the ability to steer. Just be careful on slick roads and don't tailgate or put yourself in a situation where you need to make a sudden stop and you'll be fine.|||Are you sure it doesn't?? I havent heard of an 05 without abs|||no, but its better if u have it|||Just make sure when its slippery dont slam on the brake|||It means you have to do more work (pumping your brakes) when braking in slick conditions.|||well if you lived in a place with no snow then yes it would be very big but since you have snow it makes it safer so your car dose not slide so it is very normal|||I am sure it has ABS, my 2001 does. Operations wise no, it doesn't hurt, you will just skid more if you hit the brakes hard. As far at the snow, I live in North Dakota and drove a vehicle without ABS. As long as you are careful and don't slam on the brakes you are fine. Just pump them a bit and it will get the job done.|||It should have ABS standard. Why do you say you do not have it?
2005 Pontiac Grand Prix Sedan Handling, Ride %26amp; Braking Standard Features
- Four-wheel ABS
- Four disc brakes including two ventilated discs
- Electronic brake distribution
- Electronic traction control via ABS %26amp; engine management
If you really don't, It's not a big deal if you know how to drive. When you slide, pump your brakes, don't slam on them. Slamming on the brakes will make them lock and then you'll be in trouble (hence why cars come with ABS). If you find yourself in a sliding situation and you hit your breaks and hear/feel a "crunching"/"pulsating" from your brake have ABS. But it's still all about your driving skill in the ice.|||i have a 2000 grand prix w/ abs it's the first abs car i have had . it took quite a bit of getting used to , but it was nice to have the pedal pushing back against my foot rather than it not doing anything and me overbraking. is it needed, NO. nice to have, YES. we get more than enough snow and ice here but for years all i had to drive was a camaro, if you drive like a human being in the snow non abs cars do just fine.|||an ABS system is nice to have but it still does not replace careful driving habits. Some people have actually gotten into accidents thinking that with the abs system they could step on thier brakes any old way and still come out of it smelling like a rose.
Also the ABS the car manufacturers like to tout somuch about on thier commercials is only for two wheels. To be truly effective it must be on all four.
PA has a good road maintenance system,,but many out there like to put the pedal to the metal. And you see many a semi down a ditch in the rain or snow.
When the roads are bad you should drive accordingly, that the best advice for anyone. Sometimes you'r late but so what? You got there in one piece. thats what counts.|||You are correct because it was an options for that vehicle if it was just your standard model and as for driving in the snow a vehicle cannot slow down and stop rapidly. Remember, everything slows down.
Don't use cruise control and and most important rule has to do with driving on snow and ice-covered roads.
Any changing of direction, such as changing lanes or turning corners, must be done without acceleration.
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